Home Local Dr. George T. French, Jr. Miles College President Receives The “University President...

Dr. George T. French, Jr. Miles College President Receives The “University President of The Year” 2014 award” and Rev. Larry Batie, Miles College Chaplain Receives The “Man of the Year, 2014 award”


In a great and glorious men’s day observance at the St. John Baptist Church of Edgewater on August 24th, the church was blessed to have as its 3 p.m. Speaker, Dr. George T. French, Jr., Distinguished Miles College President. Dr. French was given a plaque which recognized him as the “University President of the Year in Recognition of his excellent administrative ability as reflected in the mammoth strides being made on the Miles College Campus – new buildings, enhanced student, staff and faculty morale, and his “Visionary Leadership” with the goal of University status for the College.

His challenging, spirited and anointed message made all of us feel as if we are ready to slay any “Goliath” that might arise in our lives.

Rev. Larry Batle, Miles College Chaplain, and an Administrator Par-Excellence was presented The “Man of the Year” 2014 Award as a home-town boy who went on and achieved greatness. The Award recognizes that Rev. Batie grew up in the Mulga Community and residents of Mulga, Edgewater and Docena were very proud of his accomplishments.

Standing to the left of Dr. French is the Honorable Roderick “ROD” Scott, District 55 Representative in the Alabama House of Representatives.

The Morning Speaker at this Annual Men’s Day Service was the Principal of The Center Point High School, Rev. Van Phillips and what a sermon he delivered as he preached on the subject – “Do You Know Your Name”?

We were blessed to have in attendance at the morning service the following persons:  Dr. Craig Witherspoon, Eminent Superintendent of the Birmingham School System; Senator Priscilla Dunn and her husband, the Honorable Grover Dunn and their daughter, the Honorable Karen Dunn Burks, the Honorable Katrina Ross, and the Honorable Kenneth Coachman, Mayor of Fairfield, and Wife.

After the Morning Service the Beautiful Women of St. John served a delectable and delicious meal to all of those in attendance.


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