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Prepare for Hurricane Season


Alabama Power is ready for hurricane season and offers storm and generator safety tips for customers

Hurricane season is just around the corner and Alabama Power employees are prepared to respond. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is predicting a “near-normal or below-normal season,” which began June 1. During the month of May, Alabama Power employees across the state reviewed and updated the company’s storm plans and are prepared to move quickly and safely to restore service should hurricanes strike.
 Here are some other ways Alabama Power has prepared for the upcoming season:

•    As a result of the storm plan review, the company has made adjustments in emergency storm assignments, staging area locations, logistics and communications equipment designed to improve response.
•    Alabama Power has increased its inventory of materials for the season, including pre-packaged storm kits.
•    The company has continued to have frequent discussions with utility companies that comprise our mutual assistance program.
To learn more about how Alabama Power responds to storms and how you can prepare for the season, log on to www.alabamapower.com. Click on “About Us” and then “Storm Center.”
Alabama Power

Alabama Power employees take severe weather seriously, and customers should, too. Here’s what you can do to be better prepared for the summer’s storms and their potential aftermath:

Before the storm:
1.  Charge cellphones and other electronic devices.
2.  Have several flashlights with extra batteries on hand, as well as a first-aid kit.
3.  Keep a three-day minimum supply of water – one gallon per person per day,
     plus three days’ supply of food and drink that does not have to be refrigerated.
4.  Use a battery-operated weather radio or cellphone weather app to stay informed.
5.  Turn down the thermostat to cool your house.
6.  Seek shelter inside a sturdy building. In the event of a tornado, the safest place is on
 the lowest level. Choose a small room with no windows, such as an interior closet,
  hallway or bathroom.

After the storm:
1.  If power is out, call Alabama Power’s automated reporting system at 
     1-800-888-APCO (2726). It is the fastest way to report an outage or a hazardous
2.  Turn off appliances to avoid any potential safety hazards when power is restored.
3.  Stay away from downed lines. Do not drive over lines or under low-hanging lines.
4.  Stay clear of areas with fallen trees or debris where downed lines may be hidden.


More and more people are purchasing portable generators to keep appliances running during outages. While generators can be a convenience, they can also be deadly when used improperly.

1.  Read and follow carefully the manufacturer’s instructions before using a generator.
2.  Do not plug in portable generators to your household wiring. This can cause serious
 injury to you and to Alabama Power employees working on the lines in your
3.  To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, operate generators outdoors in a
     well-ventilated, dry area that is away from air intakes to the home, including window
 air conditioners. Never use a portable generator indoors or in attached garages.


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