Home Local Ladies Choice 25th Annual Luncheon

Ladies Choice 25th Annual Luncheon


Mobilizing Youth and Adults to Provide Global Service and 21st Century Leadership.

The Top Ladies of Distinction held their 25th Scholarship Luncheon on Saturday, April, 26, at the Hyatt Regency. This luncheon is held to raise money for Top Teens scholarships.

Honorees: Mr. Paul G. Gardner, Director Smith and Gaston Funeral Services, Mr. Hezekiah Jackson IV, President Birmingham Metro NAACP.

Mistress of Ceremony: Lady Marion Evans
Music: Mr. Preston Frazier
Photography: Mr. Jessie Simon

Chairlady of Program: Lady Sarah C. Moore, J.D.
Co-Chairlady of Program: Lady Mamie G. Hymes

President and Chaplain     Lady Eddye Louise Sanderson
First Vice President
Recording Secretary        Lady Junnie Craig
Second Vice President    Lady Flora Giles
Corresponding Secretary    Lady Marion Evans
Financial Secretary        Lady Shirley E. Hill
Treasurer and
Business Manager        Lady Sarah C. Moore, J.D.
Parliamentarian        Lady Mamie G. Hymes
Sgt at Arms            Lady Dorothy Elaine Thompson
Top Teen Advisor        Lady Myrna C. Jackson
Co Top Teen Advisor    Lady Flora L. Giles
Historian                Lady Rebecca Owens

Submitted by
Dorothy Elaine Thompson


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