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Don’t Forget – He Arose!


Dr. WilkersonJesus-Ascending-To-Heaven-In-Front-Of-Disciples  “What does that mean?” the man asked the little boy as they looked at a beautiful picture of the crucifixion in a store window. “The man on the cross is Jesus,” the boy answered, “an’ those others are Roman soldiers, an’ the woman crying is his mother, an’” he added sorrowfully, “they killed him.” Finally, the man turned and walked down the street. In a few minutes, he heard footsteps running behind him, and the little boy rushed up to him. “Say mister,” he said breathlessly, “I forgot to tell you, but he rose again!” – Inspiration.
Our churches often spend weeks calling Christ’s death to our memories through special services and the frequently celebrated Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). His resurrection is celebrated for only one day, and even then, its importance has to compete with emphasis on children, rabbits, and eggs. It should not be so.
We must not lose our awareness of the importance of the resurrection. God’s Word tells us that Jesus Christ “. . . was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead . . .”(Romans 1:4).
We follow no pitiful martyr, but a living Savior who won the victory over death, hell, and the grave!
Because of the resurrection, we know our sins have been forgiven. On the cross, Jesus suffered and died for your sins and mine. When God raised him from the dead, it proved that God had accepted the price that Jesus paid, and all was well.
Because of the resurrection, we know that death is not the end. Death may have taken our loved ones, but only for a little while. Death may take us, but we too will live. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die” (John 11:26).
Let all God’s people lift their voices in praise and worship.“Christ the Lord is ris’n today, Al-le-lu-ia!

Dr. Robert Wilkerson is a minister, writer, and founder of People for the Christian Way, an organization whose mission is to encourage all people to practice Christian principles in business, politics, and every area of life. drbobwilkerson@bellsouth.net, www.peopleforthechristianway.com


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