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Book NewsBy Esther Callens

It is now, around this time every year that many (practicing Judaism or not) celebrate the Passover.  The Seder is a pivotal component of this most consecrated event.  One booklet that many find instrumental in their preparation is found in 60Minute Seder – Complete Passover Haggadah. Written by Robert Kopman, along with co-author and illustrator Bil Yanok, 60Minute Seder presents a practical abbreviated format.
Families are a lot about tradition. One observance will begin sundown on April 14th. This is when Passover (commemorating the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt) begins.  A lot of time and preparation goes into making sure the Seder (the ritual feast) is observed in a proper manner.  Having said this, many are wondering what prompted Robert Kopman to write this book?  Why is a condensed version of the Seder deemed necessary?  The author’s note explains it all. It states, “It’s challenging to present all 15 Seder parts in a concise manner while keeping the entire family engaged. Great Care was taken to keep the after-dinner prayers brief, yet compelling, because many families don’t come back to the table for the completion of the Seder. 60Minute-Seder meets that challenge easily and presents the story of the Passover in an entertaining and spiritual way.” The result yielded a beautifully illustrated, concise book with impressive glossy pictures.
Precise attentions to details were rendered to present the complete Seder in an easy to understand format. It is a wonderful guide that has been Rabbinically approved.
Robert Kopman was a student of Jewish Law and History while in Jerusalem. He is an expert on Jewish traditions with specialized concentration on Passover Seder. He has an extensive history of Jewish community involvement.  He, along with his wife and children make Arizona home.  He is also the author of the 30Minute Seder – The Haggadah That Blends Brevity With Tradition.


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