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A Quest to know God

Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp

There seems to be a consensus that the Almighty God is at a certain location and He does not know what is going on over here, wherever over here is.
The reason for the puzzling statement is because many church service settings seems to be completely out of touch with the Author of the church, and His order of rendering service to Him of which He ordained. He, Jesus, is whom church is all about, and that is why everyone comes together to enjoy the presence of the Lord with one to another fellowshipping in love. If you never feel a touch from the Lord, why do you pretend to be going to church to worship the Lord among a people whose hearts should be set for worshipping Him, and Him alone. Jesus said He is not coming back for bricks and mortar, but a holy people without blemish, a set aside people, with prepared hearts to meet the Lord. [Ephesians 5:27]
God is everywhere simultaneously, and He said, “He neither slumbers – slumber means He never gets weary nor sleepy or tired [Psalm 121:4].” This tells me that the Lord is fully aware at all times, and He knows all about your thoughts and activities, night and day. What a big God we all have access to.
If you are His, meaning have accepted His Son Jesus into your heart, you have personal access to Him, because He lives in your heart, and if you have not accepted Jesus, and want Him to come and live in your heart too, just ask Him in, and tell Him you are sorry for all your sins. You see, He already knows all about you, and He is waiting at your heart’s door to be asked in. You see, He is quite a gentleman. You must ask Him into your heart. He is waiting for you, ASK HIM IN.
Hallelujah!  I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART. I try to please Jesus in all I do.  Do You Do That Too? Good.


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