Home Lifestyle Long live the KING and QUEEN!

Long live the KING and QUEEN!

Pictured with Andrew Bennett, Assistant Tax Assessor are Terrace Oak King, Gerald Caldwell and Queen, Rosa Turner.
Pictured with Andrew Bennett, Assistant Tax Assessor are Terrace Oak King, Gerald Caldwell and Queen, Rosa Turner.
Pictured with Andrew Bennett, Assistant Tax Assessor are Terrace Oak King, Gerald Caldwell and Queen, Rosa Turner.

Long Live the Queen_2   The Terrace Oaks Care and Rehabilitation Center has a list of beautiful residents!  But during a recent Valentine’s Day Celebration, two very special people took front and center and were crowned King and Queen.
The King is Mr. Gerald Caldwell and the Queen is Mrs. Rosa Turner. Both blushed and shouted praises of how grateful they were to receive the honor. The award is one that rivals a homecoming crowning as the fellow residents select the honorees.
“We love our residents and we love doing things to make them smile. It’s great to see them take pride in themselves and get all dressed up for our parties. They enjoy the fellowship, food and fun. It warmed my heart to see the King get as red as a raspberry when his name was called and I’m not sure if the queen has stopped shouting and praising the Lord, even as of yet,” said Katina Mitchell, activity   coordinator.
“The staff at Terrace Oaks does a great job for their residents. You could see the excitement and love that they have for the people.  The residents were all excited to see us come in as their guest and were quick to boast of their accomplishments. I talked with one gentleman who was Resident of the Month. He said that it meant that the people around here thought something of him. I think that it is wonderful that the staff does special things to uplift them. They need to keep their heads and hearts held high. I am so glad that I was invited to be a part of the ceremony,” said Andrew Bennett, Assistant Tax Assessor.
The Valentine’s program is a nine year tradition at Terrace Oaks. The runner-ups were presented with flowers and the winners with flowers, crowns and sash by Andrew Bennett.


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