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Don’t Be Afraid to Cry Out


Cry OutIn my distress I called upon the Lord, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, And my cry came before Him, even to His ears.  Psalm 18:6
When you go through things, as a Christian, sometimes you may find yourself confused as to how to handle it. You know the Bible says “trust in the Lord”, “come to me those that are heavy laden”, wait I say on the Lord” and so much more that tells you you shouldn’t do anything but trust and lean on the Lord. The Bible also tells us that God knows what we have need of so we don’t need to petition God for our daily needs. So what do you do when you can’t take it anymore? What do you do when everything you have tried has failed? What do you do when you are so hurt that you don’t believe you will ever heal? CRY OUT TO GOD! That’s right! CRY OUT. Not pray, not a simple request but an honest to God, from way down deep inside you CRY.
This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, And saved him out of all his troubles.  Psalm 34:6 

Yes God knows what is going on with you and He knows how the situation will end but what He may want from you is admission that you cannot fix your problem or heal your hurt. He may want you to conclude that He is the only one that can make everything alright. Are you unhappy with an assignment God has placed on you? Are you desperate to see things change in your life? Are you hurting so deep you can’t explain it to anyone? CRY OUT TO GOD! He is waiting on you to realize He is the only one that can change things around and that you are not in control. He wants you to know for a fact that He hears you when you cry but in order for Him to know these things, you must CRY OUT!

It’s time to stop the repetitious prayers and time to CRY OUT,
Minister Deidra Bibb


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