Home Local Bessemer City Council Recaps

Bessemer City Council Recaps


BessemerDuring the Bessemer City Council Meeting on Tuesday March, 4, 2014, the Council:
–         Authorized abatement of weeds at 2803 Arlington Avenue, 2805 Arlington Avenue and 1909 10th Avenue North.
–         Granted the owner additional time to abate weeds at 4021 Dusty Lane.
–         Held a bid opening on two monitors/Defibrillators for the Bessemer Fire Department.
–         Approved an ordinance to supplement and amend the warrant ordinance No. 3502 which authorized issuance of general obligation warrants Series 2013-A to finance New City Hall and Recreational Complex to create subaccount of Construction Fund and related provisions.
–         Authorized the Mayor to enter into an agreement between the City of Bessemer and Jefferson County for election services.
–         Approved a substantial amendment to the fiscal year 2013 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan.
–         Authorized the Mayor to execute the Communications Products Agreement between the City of Bessemer and Motorola Solutions, Inc.
–         Authorized the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Pyro Productions, Inc. for the July 4th fireworks display at a cost of $6,000.
–         Authorized the Mayor to enter into a contract between the City of Bessemer and Forestry Environmental Services, Inc. for the Raimund-Muscoda Grinding Project 2014 at a cost not to exceed $46,000.
–         Authorized the preparation and letting of bid proposals for the purchase of one hydraulic knuckle-boom brush and trash loader and one tractor with bush hog for the Street and Sanitation Department.
–         Approved a resolution awarding bid for the demolition of Davis Middle School to the lowest responsible bidder, Meredith Environmental, Inc. for $198,500.
–         Approved a #50 retail beer (off premises only); #70 retail table wine application for RKM LLC to operate the BP Shop at 600 14th Street  South.
–         Approved an occupational tax refund in the amount of $3,172.08 payable to Ashley Rosser for occupational tax withheld in error in 2011, 2012 and 2013.
–         Approved a sales tax refund in the amount of $10,490.86 payable to Mississippi Textile Corp., for sale tax from August 2010 to January 2012.
–         Approved a request to let bids for integrated for the city’s Municipal Finance Software System.
–         Approved the payment of $7,412.17 to Jackson Harris, P.C. for services during the month of December 2013 and January 2014.


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