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A Whole New World


A Whole New WorldThank you FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT for giving Timothy this and many more opportunities.

by Timothy Bruce
In a whole new world where there is light so bright you might lose your sight. There will be no fight cause the devil will not be in sight. Some people will go to hell in a whole new world you will not feel like you are in jail. Hold on just a little while longer in a whole new world you will be a lot stronger. They say JESUS died on the cross I know do they really know do they really know who is the boss? We will all experience pain but what about the weight did you gain? You know what a whole new world for is A place I want to stay for History! 

God has given Timothy a gift. Timothy recently was taken to heaven and talked with Jesus our Lord and Savior; after his visit the Holy Spirit gave him this poem. Pastor Dye of Arise & Go Ministry is his pastor.


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