Home Opinion The Greatest!

The Greatest!


Electra Adams    Today, I will begin to share with you a subject needed but much avoided by many Christian leaders. It is a known fact that religion in America is a broad subject. There are almost as many views as there are people; such views define a portion of the division among us.
Among today’s church audience, division is the root of a growing sense of apathy. Pain is the language of the natural body. If we attune ourselves to it, we will become aware of issues from within and without. “The Body of Christ” or should I say, The Church, struggles to obtain wholeness for Herself. Each joint of the Body is designed to supply a need. Every single member should have the same care one for the other; and there should be no need of permission from the other parts to function: should the hand require such from the knee in order to work?  I speak in terms of fellowship among those  who are called by the name Jesus. We are all one Body, children of God by faith in Him.
Those of us who embrace truth, also embrace the fact there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free; there is neither male or female, Black or white, rich or poor, comely or uncomely parts: we are all one in Him.
Today, this same Body has to deal with the instabilities of leadership: their isms and schisms; their control factors, insecurities, manipulations and their lack of trust in God to keep what He has placed in their hands to mold for the kingdom, the congregation. All of these human frailties are only devices used by the devil to divide and conquer.
The pulpit is one of the most influential positions our culture holds. The truth is that no one person (leader) will ever master all of God. We all have been given graces, gifts, and subject matters to bring to The House! Yet, no one person or setting will ever totally prepare any individual for kingdom living: for, though we have but one father, we all have been endowed by Papa, God the Father, with many teachers. It is a sad thing when we are challenged by leadership to choose them over fellowship among the other members of the Body. All things are given unto us!
The Blood has paid the price for the right to fellowship among ourselves. None of us, though we have letters behind our names, have mastery of any level in God. Every revelation is merely a parcel of a greater, and every experience is only a touch of one finger of God.
People should never be ruled by fear/ the fist: neither should they be forced to believe that  any one place is  greater. They are where they are because of God’s assignment for that season. We do not own God’s people any more than we own our children after they have reached maturity. If you have taught them and trained according to the grace given you, there should be no worry; but, if they have been in a place for 30 years and are still babes, this becomes an issue within itself!
We will meet here again on another day. All said for His glory.

(fb)    electra.gethsemaneministries@yahoo.com


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