Home Opinion What you don’t know about the Birmingham Water Works … The rest...

What you don’t know about the Birmingham Water Works … The rest of the story


Jackie Robinson(Opinion by Jackie Robinson)

The Birmingham Water Works has been the focus of quite a bit of media attention
lately. It seems like there is a story in the news at least once or twice a week. But with all
that press, the public still hasn’t been told “the rest of the story.”
For example, did you know:

•     The Birmingham Water Works’ water quality is one of the top 5 in the nation and not
only meets federal drinking water standards, but exceeds them.
•     As water rates have increased nationwide because of increased federal regulation and
the need to replace and upgrade aging infrastructure, over the past couple of years the
Birmingham Water Works rate has only increased by 4.5% compared to the nation’s
average increase of 6%.
•     In 2011, Moody Investor Service upgraded the Birmingham Water Works’ bond rating
to Aa2, and Standard and Poor’s upgraded it to AA. Very few water utilities receive this
kind of investor confidence. And the bond rating increases occurred at the same time
our nation’s bond rating went down and Jefferson County declared bankruptcy. More
importantly, these higher bond ratings help save money, which translates into lower
rates for customers.
•    The Birmingham Water Works repeatedly receives national acclaim for the way it
operates and is held up as an example of how a water utility should be run. Moody’s
praised the Birmingham Water Works for its “prudent fiscal management and healthy
financial position,” and Standard and Poor’s said it had a “strong financial profile” and
“competitive water rates.”
•    In July 2012, the Birmingham Water Works opened a Health and Wellness Center to
provide free health care services and free generic drugs for its employees and their
families. The Health Center improves employee health and at the same time is projected
to decrease the Birmingham Water Works’ health care costs by 12% over 5 years.
•    The Birmingham Water Works sponsors a Young Water Ambassadors program. This
six-week program allows 100 area high school juniors and seniors to spend their
summer working and learning about the Birmingham Water Works and its operations,
impressing upon the students the importance of conserving and protecting water.

So the next time you turn on your faucet, do so knowing that the rest of the story is that
the Birmingham Water Works is not trying to get from mediocre to good, we’re trying to
get from good to great.

Jackie Robinson is Chairman, Birmingham Water Works Board


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