Home National Candidate Calls For Hanging Of Obama!

Candidate Calls For Hanging Of Obama!


Joshua BlackBy NewsOne Staff
Special To the Times
Joshua Black (pictured), a Republican candidate for a Florida House seat, took to his Twitter account on the birthday celebration of slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to call for the hanging of President Barack Obama for his war crimes, according to the Tampa Bay Times.
The African-American politico, who is running for the Florida House in District 68 in the St. Peterburg/Clearwater section, tweeted:
Joshua Black 2014 ‏@JoshuaBlack2014 17h
“@civilwarcometh: @BrandonMArms @RedNationRising I’m past impeachment. It’s time to arrest and hang him high. commieblaster.com” Agreed

The post, which was reportedly viewed by a few Florida politicians, also caught Chris Latvala‘s attention, who has his eye on the House District 67 seat. Latvala criticized Black’s outlandish tweets by stating on his Twitter site:
Chris Latvala ‏@ChrisLatvala 17h
@JoshuaBlack2014 you aren’t seriously calling for the killing of Obama are you? I know you are crazy but good heavens.U R an embarrassment
Latvala then suggested to Black via Twitter that he needs to go “take his medicine.”
The 31-year-old Black entered politics two years ago. Ironically, he practiced evangelism on the streets of St. Louis previously.
In response to Latvala, Black also called for the execution of Obama, holding him responsible for ordering a drone strike that killed a U.S. citizen overseas:
Joshua Black 2014 ‏@JoshuaBlack2014 17h
@ChrisLatvala Execution is the appropriate punishment for traitors.  #BenedictArnold  #ReadAmericanHistory
As far as his making the incendiary statements on Twitter, Black also stated that he does not fear the Secret Service knocking on his door.
“I guess they’re going to call me a racist now,” he commented.
Meanwhile state Representative Dwight Dudley, who will run against Black, told the Tampa Bay Times that the politician’s Twitter rants are “dangerous and unbecoming for someone who wants to lead.”


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