Home People Profile Bham People BSC choirs to perform annual Christmas concert in December

BSC choirs to perform annual Christmas concert in December


BSC Choirs BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – When Birmingham-Southern students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests gather on Dec. 6 and 8 for the 77th Annual Service of Lessons and Carols, they will have the opportunity to participate in one of the community’s most cherished holiday events.
The services will be held Friday, Dec. 6, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 8, at 4:30 p.m. at Canterbury United Methodist Church, located at 350 Overbrook Road in Mountain Brook.
The BSC Concert Choir and Southern Chorale will again be joined by the BSC Alumni Choir, all led by Professors Lester Seigel and Jeff Kensmoe. Joining the choirs for the first time is the college’s newest music faculty member, Leon W. Couch III, as organist.
“The choirs will present a variety of choral works from Northern Europe to Nigeria, spanning the Renaissance to the present day,” said Seigel. “This is our annual gift to, and celebration with, the larger community and the BSC family.”
Childcare is available at the Sunday performance by advance reservation; call 205-874-1546. If you have questions about the carol service, call 205/226-4952.


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