What do you mean by using the word ‘within’? The word ‘within’ is a masterpiece, and just why? Within man lies a treasure, if he has given his life to the Lord, but if he has not, within man lies nothing but void useless information that the enemy has placed in him. What on earth do you mean? God created man a free moral-person. Man is free to live his life how he chooses. Now if man’s choice is to spend eternity with the Lord, and accept Jesus as his Lord and Master, within him is a “treasure”, but if his choice is to spend eternity with his enemy, within man is “destruction.” How is this so? Well, if you want to know, please allow me to try highlighting what must happen.
When you accepted Jesus to be your Lord, God placed the Holy Spirit within your heart, and the Holy Spirit is God, and God is “beyond comprehension”, therefore He placed within you “ASSURANCE”, which is faith and confidence that you are saved and safe in Jesus. As you read, study, and obey the Word of God, He will show you the meaning of the Cross of Jesus clearer and clearer. Confidence never stop growing as well as how to forever look to the cross and realize what He did and has for you. As you grow in Him more and more, your dependence on the Cross of Jesus to keep you will become a way of life each day. As you obey, you will see the richest of Heaven. WORDS ARE INADEQUATE TO EXPLAIN TO YOU – HOW WHAT YOU KNOW – IS REAL. HALLELUJAH!
To those who choose not to accept Jesus, eternal damnation awaits them. They live a life here and now, filled with hostility, bitterness, envy and jealousy. They spill it out in every position they attain. Can you not see it everywhere, even in your children? IT IS COMMONLY KNOWN AS BULLYING, but it is the work of the enemy transforming himself into different forms of destruction, which leads to eternal damnation. “CHOOSE JESUS TODAY.”