Home Lifestyle Top Ladies of Distinction Update Beautification Project

Top Ladies of Distinction Update Beautification Project

L to R – Sarah Moore, Louise Sanderson, Junie Craig, Shirley Hill, Roger Moore (Planter), Marion Evans, D. Elaine Thompson and Myra Jackson.
L to R – Sarah Moore, Louise Sanderson, Junie Craig, Shirley Hill, Roger Moore (Planter), Marion Evans, D. Elaine Thompson and Myra Jackson.
L to R – Sarah Moore, Louise Sanderson, Junie Craig, Shirley Hill, Roger Moore (Planter), Marion Evans, D. Elaine Thompson and Myra Jackson.

Submitted by D. Elaine Thompson

TLOD chose Grace House in Fairfield for their annual Beautification Project. Two Fringe Trees were planted. Lady Junie Craig is the chairwoman for this Thrust. Ladies present were: Junie Craig, Marion Evans, Sarah Moore, Myrna Jackson, D. Elaine Thompson and President Lady Shirley Hill.

Status of Women
Status of Women Thrust honored President Lady Shirley Hill with a beautiful arrangement of roses and other flowers for her untiring work for this organization. Members of this Thrust are: Ladies Mamie Hymes and Sarah C. Moore.


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