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Restaurant Management Position

Quick Service Restaurant Management Positions Available
Salary Range – $8.25 / hour to $60,000 annually + Bonus Potential, depending on position
Benefits – Health, Medical, Dental, Vision, 401k, Bonus etc
1+ Years of Restaurant Management Experience Preferred
Background and Valid Driver’s License Required
Send resume to:   pangvidal@yahoo.com
Earn Extra Money
Delivery the YP Real Yellow Pages
Birmingham, AL Area
FT/PT, Daily work, get paid in 72hrs
Must be 18 or older, have driver’s license and insured vehicle
(800) 422-1955
Call for more info Mon-Fri 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Or email us at deliveryphonebooksse@directiontrac.com
Mention “Birmingham” Help
Driver CDL A
M-F Deliveries, Health, Dental, Vision, 401K
1 Year Recent Exp. & Clean MVR
Call 309-834-2017 or Apply:  www.nuway.com

Call (205) 788-7862

2008 Pontiac G6
4 door Sedan
Call Floyd Morris 205-587-4313

2006 Nissan Maxima
4 door Loaded Silver
Call Sammy 205-814-6454

2008 Mazda 6
4 door Tan Loaded
Call Ivory 205-821-0491

2009 Hyundai Sonata
4 door Silver
Call Sammy 205-814-6454

2006 Ford 500
4 door Silver
Call Ivory 205-821-0491

Calling all singles ….

I have the best 2 BR with DEN home in Ensley Highlands for you. Beautiful yard, separate garage, C/A, porch and patio. Call me to take a look see;  Cynthia Marzette (205) 910-7149 or Barnes and Associates (205)328-3330

Veterans looking for a home? I will work with you in any area of town to find you the best on the market. Call  Cynthia Marzette (205) 910-7149 or ask for me at Barnes and Associates, (205) 328-3330.

Ideal for medical office or hospital equipment sales directly across from Baptist Princeton Hospital. Off street parking, private shower, beautiful reception room.  &Cynthia Marzette (205) 910-7149 or ask for me at Barnes and Associates, (205) 328-3330.


In accordance with Chapter 1 Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is herby given that Bennett Building, Inc., Contractor, has completed the contract for the  Renovations  to the Library at Inverness Elementary  School at 5251 Valleydale Road, Birmingham, AL 35242 , for the State of Alabama and the Shelby County Board of Education, owners, and have made request for final settlement of said contract.  All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Lathan Associates Architects, PC located at 1550 Woods of Riverchase Dr #200 Hoover, AL 35244.
Bennett Building, Inc.
120 Shady Acres Road
Alabaster, AL  35007

The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama for the University of Alabama at Birmingham requests sealed proposals from General Contractors for furnishing all labor and materials required for the UAB Renovation of NHB 5th Floor, UAB Job #UH130574

The scope of work includes the selective demolition of +/- 5,000 SF of existing healthcare space on the 5th floor of the UAB New Hillman Building and the upgrade of various finishes throughout the space.

Work will be performed under strict infection control guidelines to ensure the safety of patients and staff.  The contractor will be responsible for and should have experience with implementing and maintaining the infection control requirements, interim life safety measures, coordinating shutdowns with UAB, and maintaining a clean and organized job site.

UAB is a Signatory Sponsor to and affirms  The Birmingham Plan ‑ Construction Industry Program (see the requirements thereof as stated in Paragraph 13 of the Supplementary Instructions to Bidders, Specification Section 00120).

Proposals will be received until 2:00 PM CST on November 26, 2013 and will  thereafter be  publicly opened and read aloud in the large conference room of the  2020 Building, 2020 8th Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama 35233.  Bids must be submitted on Proposal Forms furnished.  Proposals shall be clearly identified on the exterior of the package with the bidder’s name, address, State license number, the name of the project being bid, time and place of the bid opening.  Sealed proposals shall be submitted in triplicate and shall be properly identified.

Proposals may be hand delivered or received by mail on the date of the bid opening at the Office of  JVann Martin, Director of Health Systems Planning & Technology, 2020 Building, 2020 8th Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama 35233, until 12:00 noon.  After 12:00 noon of the date of the bid opening, proposals must be hand delivered and presented at the bid opening.  Sealed proposals shall be submitted in triplicate and shall be properly identified. All proposals received after 2:00 p.m. November 26, 2013 will be returned unopened.

Construction Contracts shall be awarded only to qualified Contractors, licensed by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors, as required by Title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama.  Construction Contracts in excess of $50,000 shall be awarded only to Contractors licensed as required by the 1978 Code of Alabama, Title 34, Chapter 8 as amended.  Bidders must be responsible in accordance with criteria in the bid documents and as stipulated by Title 39-2-3-(e) of the Code of Alabama.

A Cashiers Check drawn on an Alabama Bank or bid bond, executed by a Surety company duly authorized and qualified to make such bonds in Alabama, payable to The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama in the amount of 5% of the amount of bids, but in no event more than $10,000.00, must accompany the bidder’s proposals.  Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds in the amount of 100% of the contract price will be required when the Contract is presented by the Contractor to the Owner.

A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on November 15, 2013 at 2:00 PM  CST in the large conference room of the 2020 Building.   UAB has designated that bid documents will be available for examination at the Plan Room of F.W. Dodge Corporation, 3000 3rd Avenue South, Birmingham, AL  35233; at AGC Internet Plan Room, 5000 Grantswood Road, Irondale, Alabama 35210; at The Birmingham Construction Industry Authority, 3600 Fourth Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama 35222; the Construction Data Control, 398 DeKalb Technology Park, Atlanta, GA  30340.

Two (2) sets of bid documents will be issued by the Architect,  Kahn South Inc., 2821  Second Ave S., Suite G,  Birmingham, AL 35233 to qualified bidders upon deposit of   $200.00 per set, by check drawn to the order of UAB.  Deposits will be refunded in full to bona fide General Contract bidders, and the difference between deposits and cost of reproduction and handling will be refunded to others, upon return of all documents in good condition.  Deposits will be forfeited if bid documents are not returned within ten (10) days after the Bid Opening.


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