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Book NewsBy Esther Callens

The ultimate go to guide for detailing how to become a thoroughly modern lady of elegance and refined culture is found in Secret of the Southern Belle – How to Be Nice, Work Hard, Look Pretty, Have Fun and Never Have an Off Moment. Written by a true Southern Belle – Phaedra Parks, Secrets of the Southern Belle presents a plethora of wonderful, practical insights on time-honored Southern etiquette.
Southern traditions are deep-rooted, standing on the backbone of respect and the value of it. Good manners and a healthy dose of gentility never hurt anyone. In fact, in this day and age, this is an attribute that society could stand a double dose of. Having said that, Phaedra Parks has penned a delightful, witty and charming tome that tackles everyday life situations. It is a valuable tool that can be utilized by people everywhere.
In Secret of the Southern Belle, issues that are addressed include clever title topics such as: Advanced Table Manners, You Will Never Catch Me Wearing, Good Housekeeping, Dressing Your Man, What’s In My Purse, That’s Why They’re Called Foundation Garments, Dressing Grandly and even How to be Nice.  The uncompromising expectations of a southern gentleman as well as little gents and belles (this also applies to men and children everywhere) are straight and to the point. These mannerisms are not often spoken and seldom practiced. Two crucial hot topics, money matters and work ethic, are also discussed.
Catering to all ages, Secret of the Southern Belle offers a crash course in treating each other with kindness – a characteristic there can never be too much of.
Phaedra Parks is a purebred Southern Belle.  She is a Georgia native who, in addition to being a TV show producer/cast member of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, happens to be the managing Partner of The Parks Group—a law firm and a licensed mortician and funeral director.
Aside from her numerous philanthropic responsibilities, she spends her time with her husband and two sons.


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