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Our Story


Naturally Yours2Reignbows ; Reign & NiQi

Reign Gilliard was born with a disability called Dandy Walker Syndrome and a second diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy. As a mother and professional in the medical arena, a need for equipment and supplies for the special needs community became very apparent, thus Reignbows, Inc. was created.
The goal of Reignbows is to help families, schools, and other organizations meet the needs of these special gifts of GOD.
Our mission is to develop and deliver a line of Reignbows that will help children prevail over generic mutation.
Our goal is to Reign throughout Jefferson County by given back to the community to help our disabled children have a better quality of life.
Following this model, our vision will ensure a supportive team approach and a better continuity of care for our children and loved ones.
For more information, please contact Niqi at  Naturally Yours, 222-6895 or naturallyyours@niqi.com.


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