Home Lifestyle Mrs. Vianna Reed High Celebrates her 100th Birthday

Mrs. Vianna Reed High Celebrates her 100th Birthday


Ms. Vianna ReedBy Charlene Holmes

In the Bible, Jesus promises us a life span of three score years and 10.  Happily, some live to be 70.  Sadly, some do not.
Supernaturally, some exceed 70 years of age. When God wakes us  up in the morning, that is a miraculous blessing, regardless of age.
A centenarian is a person who lives to be 100 years of age and beyond.
Mrs. Vianna Reed High is a centenarian because on September 28, 2013, she celebrated her 100th birthday.
To honor their mother for reaching this blessed birthday milestone, her children Mr. Willie B. High, Mr. Steven High, Mrs. Victoria High Martin, Mr. Willie High, Jr. and Mr. Elijah High gave her a birthday party at the Holiday Inn in Hoover.
“It was a big bash and well attended. We invited 100 people and over 90 people came. It was wonderful – absolutely wonderful!
Mrs. High’s granddaughter, Ms. Sharon Thomas decorated the Inn and the black and white décor was beautiful,” said Mrs. Martin, family spokesperson.
Mrs. Martin said, “We honored her because for anyone to live to be 100 years old, they should be acknowledged. Besides, our mom did everything for us. She is a beautiful woman, so my brothers and I decided to show her how much we love her.”
She continued, “Mom was surprised. I forewarned her that her children and grandchildren were giving her a party. Normally, she does not like parties but she was happy so many people thought enough of her to come. Relatives, church members and friends came from New York, Texas, Bessemer and all over. The Mayor of Lipscomb attended with a council- woman and police officer and brought her a dozen long stemmed roses, along with a plaque and City Seal signed by the Mayor proclaiming “September 28, 2013 Mrs. Vianna Reed High Day.”
“She has lived in the Bessemer-Lipscomb area over 70 years,” Mrs. Martin mentioned.
She continued, “It was a dynamic affair and a memory Momma will never forget. I think that everybody was so thoughtful to take time out of their busy schedules to celebrate with us. Not only did they come to the party, but they came to the house the whole week of her birthday, bringing gifts, plants and well wishes.”
She said all of Mrs. High’s children have fond memories of their mother, but “one of my fondest memories is when I was in school and wanted a new dress. Momma sent me to the store to pick up the material and made the dress overnight for me to wear to school the next day.”
“ When I got married in New York, my mom and dad came and when I gave birth twice to my two daughters, my mom and dad were there.”
“When Daddy died, I left my family in New York to be with Momma. My husband is very understanding. He goes back and forth to North Carolina to take care of his 95-year-old mother,” Mrs. Martin shared.
She added, “My brothers visit daily and help Momma around the house.  They take care of Momma when I go to New York to be with my family.  Her grandchildren adore her and visit all of the time. She is never alone.”
“Our Mom is amazing and pretty much self-sufficient. She bathes, dresses and feeds herself, does laundry, makes her bed and cooks a little,” Mrs. Martin said.
“We take it one day at a time. Next year, if God agrees, we’ll do something simple for her birthday,” Mrs. Martin smiled.


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