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A Quest to Know God

Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp
Ms. Henrietta Tripp

Who is this “Strong One Who Sees?”  The God and Creator of all the world and He wants to be the Lord of your personal life.  Why not invite Him into your heart today?  Jesus is the strong one who sees into the heart and mind of every human in the world.  He sees into your heart and depicts your every thought; He knows what you are thinking now.
The church is the Body of Jesus; He gave his life for the church. What is the church, you ask?  It is a body of believers, and each one has personally asked Him to come into his or her heart.  This is what you must do also – ask Jesus for yourself to come into your heart and to forgive you for all your personal sins, and accept you as His child. If you mean what you ask Him, He will surely come into your heart and live there. He personally came to live in my heart, when I personally asked Jesus to forgive me; and many others as well, and He will do the same for you when you personally ask Him into your heart, and to forgive your sins. Each person must personally ask Jesus in their heart for themselves. No one can ask for you, nor accept Jesus for you. Therefore, the church is a body of believers who have “personally” asked Jesus into their hearts. Will you ask today?
There are very many unnecessary complex problems, and circumstances that are caused by man’s mishandling what God created good – for all to benefit, and survive by – and do well.  Man has injected his ways, which never could work, but because man set God’s way aside, he has malfunction and brought on much suffering for everyone. When you set God’s Word aside, you are sure to fail. God is longsuffering, loving and kind, but He will judge. The nation is suffering now because of the choices man has made against God’s prescribed order. The worshippers of the Holy God – who created this Universe – call upon you “Law Makers” to read God’s Word, and govern your doings accordingly. God will judge you.


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