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The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham Launches Student Job Shadowing Program



in Partnership with Birmingham City School Systems

By Dorian Kendrick

The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham (BWWB) has launched a partnership with the Birmingham City School System’s Career Academies to begin a special job-shadowing program.  The objective of the program is to help improve students’ career readiness by exposing them to professionals who work for BWWB.
On October 8th and 9th, students will meet with mentors at various sites at BWWB to experience career fields similar to those offered in the Career Academies program. Career Academies provides students with a chance to gain advanced development in Engineering, Business and Finance, Health Sciences, Hospitality and Tourism, Architecture and Construction Sciences, Urban Education and more.
“We are excited to have this opportunity,” said BWWB First Vice-Chairman Sherry Lewis. “It is initiatives like this one that gives students the confidence and experience they need to build a solid foundation for future career success.”
Birmingham City School officials agree. “Career Academies has as its core mission the development of students both academically and professionally. This job-shadowing program allows us to continue putting the mission in motion,” said Dr. Spencer Horn, Career Academies Coordinator, Birmingham City Schools.
Each student participant will be paired with a professional mentor and it is the goal of the BWWB that the relationships developed from this program will continue to benefit students long after their years in high school.
“What we are doing is laying the foundation for our students to succeed. We know our students have what it takes to succeed, and this program will give them the exposure, support and motivation to achieve just that,” said Lewis.


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