L to R: Ms. Concetta Anderson (Miss Booster Club 2013); Mr. John W. Tarver, Jr. ( Mr. Booster of the Year); Ms. Bettye Tyson (Ms. Booster of the Year); Mr. Terry Pryor (Mr. Booster Club 2013)
L to R: Ms. Concetta Anderson; Dr. George T. French; Ms. Bettye Tyson; Mrs. Joyce French
Family of Ms. Bettye Tyson
Family of Mr. John Tarver with Al Moore; Joe Young; Geraldine Bouyer
Miles College Booster Club (Ushers) 2013
The 10th Annual T.J. Knox Sports Benefit Fundraiser was held Friday, August 30, at the Cedars Club of Birmingham. Entertainment: Foxxy Fatts and Co., D. J. Lonnie Love. The event was sponsored by Miles College Golden Bears Booster Club Inc., Leroy Cowen, Booster Club President.