Home Lifestyle Health Epsilon Sigma Alpha International, Stillman College and Nickelodeon Combine Forces to Promote...

Epsilon Sigma Alpha International, Stillman College and Nickelodeon Combine Forces to Promote Good Health


Epilson Sigma Alpha    On Saturday, September 28, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Epsilon Sigma Alpha International and Stillman College will provide a Worldwide Day of Play in conjunction with Nickelodeon. The event, which will be held on the Stillman campus, is not just for children. People of all ages are encouraged to participate in the program, which is designed to promote physical health and health awareness while fighting obesity in the community. Highlights include flag football, face painting, jump rope, kick ball, free facials and haircuts, and health screenings. There will also be free food, prizes, and raffles. The event is free and open to the public, but children have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Pictured above is a photo from last year’s program at Stillman.
Victoria Green, President of the Omega Alpha Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha International, stated, “I commend Nickelodeon for starting the Worldwide Day of Play, and I’m so excited that we are able to once again be a part of such an important event that encourages everyone in the community to have fun, get active and become healthier. Both children and adults who participated last year had a great time. Childhood obesity is on the rise and almost everyone struggles with health problems that could be improved by learning to live a healthier lifestyle. We hope that the community will come out and support us as we take a stand and promote good health.”


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