Home Opinion Birmingham’s New Challenge

Birmingham’s New Challenge

LeNa' Powe
LeNa' Powe
LeNa’ Powe

By LeNá Ferguson Powe
As Birmingham is poised to take the world’s stage this week for the 50th Commemoration of the Civil Rights demonstrations of 1963, the City is now faced with a new challenge. That challenge is to decide what’s next. What will the next 50 years say about Birmingham?
History tells the story of how Birmingham changed the world, but now, as the City moves forward it must begin to write a new history and tell a new story. Mayor William A. Bell Sr. has challenged all citizens to “Move Birmingham Forward” and the City is doing just that. From revitalization efforts in the Woodlawn community to the continued success of the CrossPlex in the Five Points West area it seems as if remembering the past has helped Birmingham shape a new future. All of the projects and initiatives currently being developed are creating Birmingham’s future, but it is safe to say that Birmingham is in fact already “moving forward.”
Economic and workforce development have made great strides recently. In fact, according to the Birmingham Business Alliance, the Birmingham region added 3,831 jobs and more than $843,000,000 in capital investment was added in 2012.
Through innovation, technology and research Birmingham is becoming famous not only for its history but for its ability to create a better future for all. Birmingham is now deciding what it will celebrate 50 years from now. In 2063, Birmingham will not only reflect on how far it has come since the days of the climax of the Civil Rights Movement in 1963, but on how much it has contributed to the fields of technology, innovation, medicine and finance just to name a few. Remember, Birmingham’s greatness lies in its ability to change the world and its magic comes from its capacity to believe that it can. Birmingham must accept the challenge and keep moving forward!


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