Home Sports Birmingham Water Works Board to Host H2O Foundation Golf Tournament

Birmingham Water Works Board to Host H2O Foundation Golf Tournament


BWWB-GolfThe Birmingham Water Works Board (BWWB) and its Help 2 Others (H20) Foundation will host its Ninth Annual H20 Foundation Golf Tournament on Monday, September 16, on the Valley and the Ridge of the track of the Oxmoor Valley Golf Course located on 100 Sunbelt Parkway Birmingham, AL 35211.
Registration and breakfast will begin at 8 a.m. with the shotgun tee-off beginning at 9 a.m. Participants for the 18-hole event will enter in teams of four, with a minimum donation of $150 per golfer. With the donation carts and lunches are provided. In addition, sponsorship opportunities are available to companies who would like to contribute with patron levels ranging from bronze to gold; bronze sponsorship allows a business to have one team of four, normal event participation and company recognition on event publications sent to the community. Participants are encouraged to gain support from friends, family, business and civic affiliations. Contributions can be sent to fund the H20 Foundation, a tax deductible 501-c3 organization, by checking the dollar amount of monthly contributions on your monthly water bill. Customers can contribute $1, $5, $10 or $20 on a monthly basis.
“The H2O Foundation is a nonprofit organization that partners with the Salvation Army to help pay the water bill or plumbing for disabled and senior citizens who are unable to do so,” said Joyce Jordan Tournament Coordinator, “This tournament fundraiser helps to defray the administrative cost of this project.”
Last year, the H20 Foundation Board voted to lower the eligibility requirements for low-to-moderate income customers from the age of 62 to 55. The Board believes with lowering the age it will allow them to serve more customers who are in need. Primarily the Foundation exists to assist those who need help paying their water bill, and/or those that need financial assistance with costs of plumbing repairs.

For additional information about the event contact Joyce Jordan, Tournament Coordinator at 205-244-4115.


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