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A Foundation for Living

Rev. Reid
Rev. Reid
Rev. Reid

Blessings of Spiritual Rebellion
Rev. Reid

Moses was passing and he came across a man who was praying. But he was doing such an absurd prayer (not only absurd, but insulting to God) that Moses stopped. The man was saying, “Let me come close to you my God, my Lord, and I promise that I will clean your body when it is dirty. Even if lice are there, I will take them away…. I will look after you. When you are ill, I will serve and give you medicine. And I am a good cook also!” So Moses said, “Stop! Stop your nonsense! What are you saying? From who have you learned this prayer?” The man said, “I have not learned it from anywhere. Lice trouble me very much, so He must be in trouble. And sometimes the food is not good and my stomach aches. He must be also suffering. This is just my own experience that has become my prayer. So Moses taught him the right prayer. The man bowed down to Moses, thanked him, tears of deep gratitude flowing, and he went away. Moses was very happy. And God was very angry! He said, “I have sent you there to bring people closer to me, but you have thrown away one of my most sincere prayers. Now he will be doing the right prayer, but it won’t be a prayer at all – because prayer has nothing to do with the law. Prayer is LOVE. Love is a law unto itself; it needs no other law.
Here is the problem. Sometimes we think by being a Christian we are following Christ. To be Christian does not mean we even know Christ. Knowledge of Christ may have nothing to do with what we believe. Religion is organized by people in the world. Jesus had something in Him which cannot be organized. Jesus Christ is a rebellion. In that rebellion are the spiritual blessings of love, grace, truth, transformation, Christ-consciousness and eternal life. Let me share what I mean. I call the understanding of the spiritual rebellion of Jesus, blessings. There are three blessings of spiritual rebellion. Love as the fulfillment of law, grace and truth.
When we look at these three things, we see our failure as Christians and non-believers to go beyond the Laws of Moses to receive the blessings of spiritual rebellion. If we don’t move beyond Law to Love we will continue to believe, practice and worship false gods of this world including the worldly church and miss Christ.
Let me explain what I mean. First, it is the blessing of Love as the fulfillment of the Laws of Moses that made a difference, especially to the Hebrew people – considered the chosen of God. Throughout history there has been three great lawgivers – Moses (Western  World) Christians, Jews, Mahammedons or Islam; Manu (Eastern World) Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Karl Marx, China, Russia and Other Communist nations. These three lawgivers gave us the foundation of law throughout the world. But it has been the laws of Moses, especially the Ten Commandments that have guided the world, particular the Western world which is the mother of our laws in the United States.
There is a second blessing Jesus brought that cannot be overlooked. That is the blessing of grace. The Bible says “Grace came through Jesus Christ.” But what is grace? Grace is a way of flowing in life. Grace is the fruit of the spirit of Christ and that the fruit is defined in Gal. 5: 22, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.” Grace is purity, magnetism, attraction, loving. Jesus had all of these things and they are available to us as well if we are courageous enough to rebel against the status quo of this world.
Finally, Jesus brought the blessings of truth, “Truth came through Jesus Christ.” Truth is the law fulfilled with Love. Truth is an abiding love that last forever. Truth is a living faith. The truth is Jesus died and rose again to give us an opportunity for eternal life. The truth is, “if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body (mind and heart) you will live.” Romans 8: 13
These are the blessings of spiritual rebellion: Spiritual Rebellion brings chaos but produces love!  Rebellion is a storm with no organization, untamed, wild but it produces a new birth, a new life in Christ! Spiritual Rebellion is not religion, or a denomination, or church; it has no history, tradition or knowledge base. It creates a new consciousness, a Christ- Consciousness when we surrender to God. It is realness! It is a burning fire! It is new ground plowed by Christ for God to plant His seed in us. Through Him we grow into what God wants us to be. It is new light and new life! It is Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the End. Yes, Moses brought the Law but Love, Grace and Truth is found in Jesus Christ. And Through Him “Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be laid low – and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain – and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together – for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.”(Isaiah 40:4-5)


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