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The Birmingham Times Brings Home 7 Awards in Statewide Press Contest


The Birmingham Times

The Birmingham Times Media Group won seven awards in the 2023 Alabama Press Association (APA) Media Awards, including first place in Best In-Depth News Coverage and Best Local News Coverage.

This year, 58 publications submitted 1,920 entries in the annual contest. The North Carolina Press Association membership judged the entries.

“I am excited and proud to be recognized by the APA for the work being done by our content team,” said Samuel P. Martin, president and publisher of the BTMG. “Our team knows that the work is never about awards, however the recognition is always a great way to know that others see us and appreciate the work we do.”

The Best In-Depth News Coverage award was given for “Deadly City,” written by Barnett Wright, with contributions from BT staff writers Nicole S. Daniel and Ryan Michaels, which is part of BT’s collaborative project, “Beyond the Violence,” with AL.com and CBS42.

Additionally, BTMG also won first place for Best Newspaper Website and Best Layout and Design, from the work of Design/Contributing Editor Kathryn Sesser-Dornè

In second place, the BTMG secured a win for Best Special Section for “Black History in the Arts,” as well as third place awards for General Excellence and Best Production and Printing.

Here’s a closer look at the winning categories:

Best Local News Coverage

1st Place: The Birmingham Times, by staff

2nd Place:  The Homewood Star by Neal Embry, Eric Taunton, Erin Nelson

3rd Place:  Vestavia Voice by Neal Embry, Eric Taunton, Erin Nelson

Best In-Depth News Coverage

1st Place: The Birmingham Times for “Deadly City” by Barnett Wright

2nd Place: The Homewood Star for “Homewood firefighters raise concerns over pay; city leaders vow to find solution” by Neal Embry, Eric Taunton, Melanie Viering

3rd Place:  Vestavia Voice for “‘A big step forward’: Superintendent shares plans for future of city schools” by Neal Embry, Erin Nelson

Best Layout and Design 

1st Place: The Birmingham Times by Kathryn Sesser-Dornè

2nd Place: Vestavia Voice by Melanie Viering, Ted Perry

3rd Place: Hoover Sun by Melanie Viering, Ted Perry

Best Newspaper Website

1st Place: The Birmingham Times for “www.birminghamtimes.com”

2nd Place: The Auburn Plainsman for “www.theplainsman.com”

3rd Place:  The Trussville Tribune for “www.trussvilletribune.com”

Best Special Section – Newsprint

1st Place: The Redstone Rocket (Huntsville) for “70th Anniversary” by staff

2nd Place: The Birmingham Times for “Black History in the Arts” by staff

3rd Place:  The Redstone Rocket (Huntsville) for “Breast Cancer Awareness” by staff

Best Production and Printing

1st Place: Vestavia Voice by Melanie Viering, Ted Perry

2nd Place: The Redstone Rocket (Huntsville)

3rd Place:  The Birmingham Times

General Excellence

1st Place: Vestavia Voice

2nd Place: The Redstone Rocket (Huntsville)

3rd Place: The Birmingham Times

Updated at 5:45 p.m. on 6/27/2023 to correct spelling of name and heading on a category.