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Sharpe-Jefferson: Moving Cautiously and Differently

By Keisa Sharpe-Jefferson

There is a level of cautious optimism I maintain about the state of affairs today. Seen the news lately? Just as we’re churching, brunching and gathering…. COVID cases are creeping back up.
Just as we are slowly coming out of COVID and it appears things are getting back to normal; just as some would even argue that we are back to normal; just as we thought we’d turned a positive corner in the fight against this global pandemic, we are receiving a strong warning yet again with the increase in cases.
We have more information about the disease; we’re still getting vaccines and boosters; we know how to stop the spread.
Yet, coronavirus is still proving to be a formidable foe.
The lesson here is that COVID is not going anywhere anytime soon. But I don’t believe that message should intimidate you.
Because if you were taking good notes, you know that lesson here is that now it’s time to move differently.
COVID is still here, but we have more information now on how to keep it at bay.
As a coach, you know I believe in making it real plain.
Here’s what that look like.
1) Keep prioritizing your personal well-being by eating healthy and exercising. And get your proper rest.
2) Take the extra precautions – continue to mask up and sanitize your hands, even if you are in elite company.
3) Limit or monitor your attendance at large gatherings. Those with COVID will rarely raise their hand and admit their status.
We likely won’t have to do this forever, but for the interim, it may still be necessary. The key is to move differently and do the extra.
Friends, it is vital to remain vigilant to remain well.
And this is one lesson we must understand not only for ourselves, but for those whom we love and are connected.
COVID is still here, yet we will remain victorious over it if we continue to move differently.
As always, I’m cheering for you and I’m here if you need me.
Keisa Sharpe-Jefferson is a life coach, author and speaker. Her column appears each month online and in The Birmingham Times. You can contact Keisa at keisasharpe@yahoo.com and visit http://www.allsheanaturals.com for natural hair and body products.