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Drink (Water) To Your Health


Drink Water (NAPSI)—Here’s health news you should find easy to swallow: Whether you’re working, traveling, playing sports or just relaxing, it’s important to stay hydrated regardless of the season.
Making up more than two-thirds of the weight of the human body, water is critical to keep the body’s cells and organs functioning properly. Keeping your body hydrated, says the American Heart Association, helps the heart pump blood more easily through the blood vessels to the muscles and helps the muscles remove waste so that they can work efficiently.
As you work, play and exercise, here are six questions to ask yourself to ensure you and your family are staying regularly hydrated:
1. How much water should I drink each day?
• Recommendations for water intake vary by person but wellness experts generally agree that drinking 6 to 8 eight-ounce glasses of water each day is a healthy goal. Individuals who exercise frequently and pregnant women should increase their intake.
2. Sugary drinks seem to quench my thirst as much as water. Is one better than the other?
• Under most circumstances, water is the best source of fluid to keep the body hydrated. Caffeinated beverages can cause you to actually lose more fluids and sugary drinks can be hard on the stomach. It’s best to stick to water when trying to stay hydrated.
3. What else can I do to stay well hydrated?
• Foods such as fruits and vegetables that contain a high percentage of water can help supplement your intake. Try tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, watermelon and strawberries.
4. I have trouble remembering to drink water. What should I do?
• Add drinking a glass of water or reusable water bottle of water to your daily routine. For example, drink a glass of water after you wake up or while watching your favorite show. Drinking water before a meal can help you feel fuller faster and perhaps prevent overeating.
5. How can I be sure my water is pure?
• To help reduce contaminants that may be in your tap water and provide filtered drinking water for your family, you can get a water filtration system. For example, 3M offers a wide range of filtration products, some of which address pesticides, nitrates, arsenic and other contaminants that may be found in water.
6. Where can I learn more?
• Visit www.3mwater.com/yesIwanta3MWaterSolution.


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