Home Local 50 Years Ago Miles College Class of 1963

50 Years Ago Miles College Class of 1963


Miles College

We salute and give honor to the graduates of Miles College 50 years ago. They are the ones and many more before them who paved the way for many students today. They are the foot soldiers who struggled for their education and became some of Birmingham’s best educators, teachers, lawyers, doctors, supervisors, principals, and many other professions in the City of Birmingham and other cities and states. The graduates received Honorary Degrees at Miles College.
Hats Off!!! To Miles College Graduates 50 Years Ago.


Laura M. Ard                                            Carl McReynolds
Sandra Edwards                                      Jacquelyn Ard Morrow
Edward Foster                                          Dr. Murray Morrow Jr.
Thomas Hamner Jr.                                Bessie Moton
Carolyn Moses Hardy                             Maggie Oden
Mary Harper Hardy                                Leola O’Neal
Charlesta Harper                                     Dr. Rose Perkins
Rawleigh Gildon – Hill                            James E. Reasor
Juliette Howze                                         John Robinson
Annie Johnsnon                                      Paul Walker
Wendell A. Jones                                    Virgia T. Wallace
Mary L. Jordan                                       Charles Whatley
Laura Walsh Lacey                                 Chancie Williams
Clarence McGee                                      Darlene Williams
Gladys McGee                                          James Williams


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